
I’ve been featured in various media outlets over the years.  Take a look:

My entry in History Commons archives


The Dr. Vibe Show™  Jeneba Ghatt “A New Way to Get and Keep Black Men Out of Prison”
May 7, 2014 talking about my piece on prison pipeline for black males
In The Morning w  Mark   Jem  Jeneba Ghatt   YouTube
January 2014 interview about the MLK celebration
SIRIUS Playlist Search   Sirius Satellite Radio
co-Hosted a January 2013 Radio Segment on Sirius XM
ISSUU   Sunday  December 01  2013 by The Philadelphia Tribune
December 1, 2013, “Social Media has “big bark” but bite is debated,” The Philly Tribune,
Facebook exec’s new book fails to address African American women   Mary C. Curtis
Interview on “Lean In” and Black Women

December 1, 2013, “Social Media has “big bark” but bite is debated,” The Philly Tribune,

July 12, 2012, Showdown 2012, SiriusXM, P.”O.T.U.S. – Mitt Romney Appearance before the NAACP

June 28, 2012, Showdown 2012, SiriusXM, P.O.T.U.S. – U.S. Supreme Court Affordable Healthcare decision

June 1, 2012, Showdown 2012, SiriusXM, P.O.T.U.S. – Donald Trump and Birtherism

March 6 2012, Cliff Kelley Show ,WVON 1690 AM – Rush Limbaugh and Sandra Fluke

February 9, 2012, Get Right with Lenny McAllister, TCNGB Network  US Supreme Court taking up  Affirmative Action review

November 13, 2011 Innovation Motivation promo

October 18, 2011 Mario Armstrong  Sirius/XM radio, The Power discussing Republicans/Tea Party using social media more than the democrats

August 2, 2011 Mario Armstrong, Minorities Left out the Google Plus migration

February 6, 2011 TBD  News Channel 8 ABC Affiliate Top 10 things to not say to a pregnant woman

November 1, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss cable retransmission fall out and effect on Sunday football

October 26, 2010, The Mario Armstrong Show, The Power Sirius/XM, I talked about the cable retransmission fight between cable and broadcasters

October 13, 2010, The White House Blog, Working to Broaden and Deepen our Engagement

September 11, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss Congressional Black Caucus on the Tec Talk Show

June 26, 2010 The New School with Charles D. Ellison, P.O.T.U.S. Sirius/XM, I chimed in on Elena Kagan confirmation hearings

February 6, 2011 TBD discuss top 10 things to not say to a pregnant woman

November 1, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss cable retransmission fall out and effect on Sunday football

October 26, 2010, The Mario Armstrong Show, The Power Sirius/XM, I talked about the cable retransmission fight between cable and broadcasters

September 11, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss Congressional Black Caucus on the Tec Talk Show

June 26, 2010 The New School with Charles D. Ellison, P.O.T.U.S. Sirius/XM, I chimed in on Elena Kagan confirmation hearings


Improbable Scholars: The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America’s Schools (Google eBook), Oxford UniversityPress, my article on Atlanta Cheating Scandal in the Washington Times is quoted in this March 23, 2013- released book.

SuperVision By John Gilliom, Torin Monahan, Chicago Press – cites my July 7, 2011 Washington Times article about the Atlanta Cheating Scandal

Law Review

The gold standard: the 2005 A-list – included a mention of my law firm branching out



May 18, 2014, “Net neutrality: Washington’s biggest decision,” The Philly Tribune, May 18, 2014, by Charles D. Ellison, quoted as an expert.

February 23, 2013 “The Atlanta Way,” Blogging While Blue, quoted my article on Affirmative Action

February 7, 2013, The Charlotte Post, “Immigration debate short on black voices African and Caribbean immigrants ignored,” quoted as an expert

November 2012, Twitchy Team, Rep. Hank Johnson slams GOP immigration reform vote as ‘the ugly head of racism’, – My tweet ledes a story on Michelle Malkin’s conservative Twitter-watch website

February 20, 2012, “Who makes heroes?“, Minnesota Public Radio News, by Bob Collins, included in a wrap up about who should be considered a heroe

March 2012, BET, Twitter Heats Up During Biden-Ryan Debate – I am one of several top politcos and celebrities whose tweets are highlighted about the 2012 VP Debate

February 16, 2013, Chris Dorner the New O.J.? -author recommended my piece on Dorner to VOXXI

August 12, 2012, Why the Sikh temple shooting got less coverage than the Aurora massacre – Blogger quotes me

July 1, 2012,DC Melts Down Over This Week’s Events, quoted discussing impact of “Obamacare” on GOP voter turnout

April 9, 2012, Is the Tech Industry Biased against Minorities? Broadband and Social Justice Blog, quoted offering opinion on infographic suggesting there is racism in the tech industry

April 6, 2012, Washington Post,  #YOLO: The newest acronym you’ll love to hate – cited the headline in a piece about Obama and the Supreme Court’s healthcare decision

May 23, 2012, The Coloured Collective: Colourful Woman Wednesday, I was the featured woman of the day

February 23, 2012, The Atlanta Way:Blogging While Blue, referenced and linked my Affirmative Action piece in

February 20, 2012  News roundup, Minnesota Public Radio, references and quotes my Whitney Houston piece in Washington Times

April 9, 2012, Biased Tech Industry, quoted giving my response to suggestion there is racism in the tech industry

January  26, 2012, The White House,  State of the Union Office Hours with Danielle Gray  – My tweet that asked a question and was answered was featured on the Storify version of the session the White House created

December 4, 2011, Joint Center Affirms Potential for Social Media, quoted in an article about an event attended at Howard University

November 6, 2011, Response to allegations may show Cain’s Flaws, quoted in article

October 20, 2011, A shaky bill, the creep factor, and shedding some weight, Field Negro Refers to my Black politicians invisible backpacks piece

Aug 4, 2011 In the News this week, North Carolina Medical Society Doctor to Doctor wrap up, discussed my story summarizing the debt limit deal

July 27, 2011 To the Back of the Line, Mocha Mom, calls my Arkansas Valedictorian piece in the times the “most newsworthy” take on the story.

July 1, 2011, Washington Times: Extremely Weak Supreme Court Reporting, Source 4 Politics, a blogger disliked the article I had written and what he called weak analysis and court reporter.

June 21, 2011, Netroots Panel on Black Voter Turnout Sparks Debate, The Huffington Post, co-panelist Judy Lubin discusses the panel and its fallout

June19, 2011, Doin it Again, Balloon Juice blog, enjoyed what I had to say at a Netroots Panel I was on Sat. 18 during the Netroots Nation 2011 conference of progressives and shared an excerpt from this blog, though not all of her followers agreed. Some said I was “full of it”

June 18, 2011  NN11 Young Voter Turnout Session – How Do You Convince Someone They’re Better Off Despite Their Lying Eyes?, Firedog Lake blogger one_outer and his followers and commenters didn’t like what me and fellow panelists had to contribute to the Netroots Nation 2011 panel during our presentation about getting first time voters from 2008 out in 2012.

June 16, 2011 Bachmann Daily Beat: 6th District Reacts, St. Michael Patch, includes me in a roundup.

June 16, 2011, Top Headlines 6/16,  Youth Today, notes that I have written on two posts that cover adoption: one on Michelle Bachmann and another on gay adoption.

June 19, Bachmann v. Palin: Who’s in Charge?, Philly Tribune, I’m featured pontificating on the “beef” or lack thereof between these two.

June 9, 2011 On Rihanna –  A Parent on parenting, TV Watch blog, builds a post around a recent article I did,

June 8, 2011 Rihanna, Cee Lo Brown Launch ‘Loud Tour’ Amidst ‘Man Down’ Controversy, ClickitTicket sports blog, includes a quote from my recent story on the controversy,

March 3, 2011 In Recession, Chic is Cheap, CNN online, has me in the lede on a story about recession fashion,

May 2, 2011 The African American Policy Forum, reprinted an April 28 article I did on Affirmative Action featured on my blog on the Communities section of The Washington Times.

April 28, 2011, The African American Policy Instiute reprinted my article Concept of “Diversity” Breeds Donald Trump-type thinking

April 23, 2011 Media Coverage of New Technology,   SW44, included my recent story in a roundup

Feb 1, 2011 Akron, City of Lebron’s Mom and Education Thief Williams-Bolar, mentioned a stat I gave in an article.

Nov 11, 2010 Should parents prod their kids to gender conformity? Will Marine Corps scuttle DADT repeal?, talks about a piece I did on gender and children

Nov 8, 2010, Write-ups from FCC Open Development Day Lanyard-The Social Media Directory, mine were listed among a small list of other sites and blogs who wrote about the event.

October 11, 2010  Rep James Clyburn Meets with Black Bloggers, Jack and Jill Politics, mentioned as being among a small group of black bloggers to meet with then Majority Whip of the House ,

September 25, 2010 Provoking Thought.Net reposted article I did on the No Wedding No Womb initiative

October 20, 2009 Pawlenty refuses to disclose state broadband priority list, Minnesota Independent, , quoted in paper.

Summer 2007 Georgetown University Law Center Clinical Programs & Graduate Teaching Fellowship brochure, , featured with ex law partner

April/May 2006  Generational Wealth, Heart and Soul Magazine, quoted in article

July 8, 2005 Minority Fems Form Firm, , article about the launch of my firm.


February 6, 2011 TBD discuss top 10 things to not say to a pregnant woman

November 1, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss cable retransmission fall out and effect on Sunday football

October 26, 2010, The Mario Armstrong Show, The Power Sirius/XM, I talked about the cable retransmission fight between cable and broadcasters

September 11, 2010, The Tech Talk Show, WOL-AM 1450, I discuss Congressional Black Caucus on the Tec Talk Show

June 26, 2010 The New School with Charles D. Ellison, P.O.T.U.S. Sirius/XM, I chimed in on Elena Kagan confirmation hearings
