Having posted this in the past, I must say, that I, for one, am not holding my breath on the FCC acting
Category: Biz Tips
Violent Rhetoric on the Trail
The day after I featured Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District candidate Rick Barber’s ad which seamed to be pretty violent among the top
Top 5 Political Campaign Ads (audio)
After listening to dozens of campaign ads leading up to the mid term elections this November 2, I put together my pick
Obama administration isn’t flinching on accusations that it is pandering for the BLACK vote
A week after the controversy over the Obama administration’s decision to invite Black bloggers and Black media to a summit at the
What was Univision Thinking Disenfranchising its Viewers?
Politico is reporting: The Spanish-language network Univision has refused to air an ad from a GOP-led Hispanic group telling Hispanic voters to
Largest Listing of “Googable” Motivational Speakers
Well…not really, this week I discovered 4 other people who have blog names that are essentially their first and/or last name and
A Take on White House Black Bloggers Controversy You Won’t See in the New York Times
I was one of the 22 Bloggers who attended the White House Summit with African American bloggers this past Monday. I was
Get your Biz Plan Ready & Meet w/ Venture Capitalist at FCC OBO Workshop
The FCC will conduct its annual Capitalization Strategies Workshop on November 12, 2010, from 9:00am until 4:30pm in the FCC Commission Meeting
Television Blackouts in U.S. Reach Decade-High Over Fee Fights
Bloomberg News is reporting… TV blackouts in the U.S. have reached the highest level in a decade and may climb as pay-TV