People can barely name politicians today that are TV and cable news shows every day. Poli-wonks though probably do. I am one so I’m challenging my fellow politics lovers who are aware of famous Democratic politicians to identify them when they were young.
Take this test. Who are these politicians when they were young?
2. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
6. _____________________________
7. _____________________________
8. _____________________________
9. _____________________________
10. _____________________________
11. _____________________________
- Michael Bloomberg (Independent), ex Mayor NYC, businessman
2. Harry Reid, Sen. Nevada
3.Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Massachusetts
4. Al Franken, Sen. Minnesota
5. Bill deBlasio, Mayor, NYC
6. Nancy Pelosi, Congresswoman, California
7. Mario Cuomo, ex Mayor NYC
8. Martin O’Malley, ex Gov. Maryland
9. Joe Biden, VP United States
10. Tim Kaine, Sen. Virginia
11.Bernie Sanders, Sen. Vermont
12.Barack Obama, President, United States
13 Hillary Clinton, ex Sen. NYC, Former Sec of State
14. Cory Booker, Sen. New Jersey
How did you do?
12-14 You were the president of the Young Democrats in college or Class President. You enjoy going back and forth with people on social media. You volunteered for at least one election or for at least one candidate.
8-11 You know enough to not look stupid if Jimmy Kimmel put a mic in front of you during one of his roving the streets bits.
5-10 You could use some touching up. Your assignment is to spend an hour watching CNN, MSNBC or FOX News and pay attention.
1-4 You need remedial help. You’d fail the citizenship test they give to new immigrants that want to be naturalized. Your sentence is to watch a week of C-Span!

Jay Jay Ghatt is also editor at, founder of the and where she teaches online creators how to navigate digital entrepreneurship and offers Do-It-For-You Blogging Service. She manages her lifestyle sites BellyitchBlog, Jenebaspeaks and and is the founder of 200 Black Women in Tech On Twitter. Her biz podcast 10 Minute Podcast is available on iTunes and Follow her on Twitter at @Jenebaspeaks. Buy her templates over at her legal and business templates on Etsy shop!