Tonight is the first Democratic Presidential Debate on CNN.
Accounting software makers Xero conducted a poll of small business owners across the country about their views on the current roster of presidential hopefuls.
The survey asked entrepreneurs which presidential candidates they would entrust to run their companies (not to mention, the country) and the issues that are top of mind for them.
Here are its key findings:
- While the winner of tomorrow’s debate is not yet decided, entrepreneurs are opting for Hillary Clinton (24%) over Bernie Sanders (16%) as the candidate they would entrust to run their small business
- Donald Trump vs. Hilary: The two top candidates are the ones small business owners would trust most to run their companies, but Trump won by a landslide with 41% of the vote
It Turns out, only 16% of voters would trust Bernie Sanders to run their small businesses
- Small biz fears the Fed: Rate hike looms large for entrepreneurs – 55% of small business owners reveal interest and tax rates are the issues they are most concerned about.
- Millennials embrace of outsiders: when it comes to whom they would entrust to run their companies, the results are striking: Trump, Fiorina and Sanders all beat Hillary
- Business first: Only 23% of small business owners plan to choose their candidate based on personal beliefs, like their stance on gay marriage or abortion.
“The survey results show just how close to the edge America’s small businesses are running. They’re worried about interest rates rising and the impact of the Affordable Care Act. This isn’t about big business or taxing the nation’s rich, these are the almost 30 million small businesses around the country that, in aggregate, are huge employers, but their concerns need championing,” Xero president Russ Fujioka said in a company blog post.
“Candidates need to address the key to the US economy. It’s small business. They need to concentrate on what small business owners are saying and how big of a constituency they are. They need to understand that across party lines, their concerns are the same, they want the business person to help.
“When asked what they need help with, people running a small business see through party lines and go to who they believe has the most business acumen.”
Given that small businesses are the key to this nation’s economy and are the biggest employers, it’s key that candidates tonight speak directly to this demographic and essential voting demographic.

Jay Jay Ghatt is also editor at, founder of the and where she teaches online creators how to navigate digital entrepreneurship and offers Do-It-For-You Blogging Service. She manages her lifestyle sites BellyitchBlog, Jenebaspeaks and and is the founder of 200 Black Women in Tech On Twitter. Her biz podcast 10 Minute Podcast is available on iTunes and Follow her on Twitter at @Jenebaspeaks. Buy her templates over at her legal and business templates on Etsy shop!