Simple Suggestions for making your life better and there are 42 of them!
Category: Biz Tips
What makes your Blog Content Shareable?
Here is what makes readers want to share content they discover on your blog or website
How #Ferguson is being Exploited and Weaved into Tech Policy Debates
Here is how proponents of Network Neutrality and other tech policy advocates are weaving in the controversy in Ferguson, Missouri into the mix
Teen boy jailed for Instagramming local teen girls nude pics
Teens sharing explicit pics on Instagram could land them in jail for child pornography
Meet VentureBeat’s #GrowthBeat 2014 Winners
Meet the small businesses that are taking on Big Data and won VentureBeat conferences Growth Beat award
Tech Community gives back via Civic and Community Hack-A-thons
In area cities nationwide, tech communities are organizing hack-a-thons and other events to give back to community, expand knowledge base and help underserved markets
10 Tips for Driving Traffic to your Blog
Here are ways to get traffic to your blog
New Unlocking phones law allows you to take your wireless phone to any carrier
A new law just passed gives consumers the freedom to unlock their mobile phones at the end of a service contract and go to a competing carrier without penalty.
My comment defending the NAACP that HuffPo didn’t want anyone to see
Huffington Post deletes comments from people of color who think for themselves and oppose paternalistic positions they want brown and black people to adopt.