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11 Chadwick Boseman Quotes That Inspire
When the world lost actor, writer, director and producer Chadwick Boseman, it was left with some of his profound words he’s made in addresses and interviews. Here are a few;
Launch Your First Podcast Fast… But First Do This!
Before you launch your first podcast, there are some preliminary things to consider and steps to take
My Favorite Blogging Tools {For Wannabe Pro Bloggers}
I’ve been blogging for over a decade and have reached millions of readers, earned a substantial living doing it full time and
12 Congressman John Lewis Quotes That Inspire!
Congressman John Lewis succumbed to his battle with pancreatic cancer on Friday, July 17th leaving behind a long legacy of service to
How I Reach Close to 8M On This Underutilized Social Media Platform
Sadly, not too many businsses and companies have optimized their Pinterest presence and part of the reason is they do not understand it but I share how I’m able to maximize my reach in a new Youtube video
Roundup: Black and Black-Serving Initiative, Companies, Resources To Support
While the death of George Floyd was a horrible preventable occurrence that demands justice, by now we know that this Minnesota man’s
I Almost Fell For this Sneaky Black Hat SEO Scam {Bloggers Beware!}
I almost fell for a black hat seo scam the second time and want to share what happened so other bloggers do
This Popular Blogger Ad Network Just Handed Aspirational Bloggers a Hard Blow
Now that Mediavine has increased the minimum monthly page sessions to join the lucrative ad network, a lot of bloggers are left scrambing.